evolve1d refacto, evolve2d repair

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Ali Gator 2022-12-29 17:10:43 +01:00
parent 2b042f89be
commit 9951ada7b3
1 changed files with 41 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
// core functions to generate initial states and evolve them
// handles negative index and index bigger than its array length
function guard(index, arrayLength) {
if (index > arrayLength - 1) return 0;
if (index < 0) return arrayLength - 1;
return index;
// get the next evolution of a 1D CA initial state
// buggy BUT produces interesting results
// function evolve1d(state, rules) {
// const sl = state.length - 1;
// return [
// rules[[state[sl - 1], state[sl], state[sl + 1]].join("")],
// ...state.map((_,x) => (rules[[state[x - 1], state[x], state[x + 1]].join("")])).slice(0, sl),
// rules[[state[0], state[1], state[2]].join("")]
// ]
// }
// get the next evolution of a 1D CA initial state
function evolve1d(state, rules) {
function getCell(index) {
const safeIndex = guard(index, state.length);
return state[safeIndex];
const newState = state.map((_, x) => {
const cells = [getCell(x - 1), getCell(x), getCell(x + 1)];
return rules[cells.join("")];
return newState.map(Number);
const sl = state.length - 1;
const edge1 = [state[sl - 2], state[sl - 1], state[sl]].join("");
const edge2 = [state[0], state[1], state[2]].join("");
// normal case (3 neighbor cells)
const center = state
.map((_, x) => rules[[state[x - 1], state[x], state[x + 1]].join("")])
.slice(1, sl);
return [rules[edge1], ...center, rules[edge2]];
// create a 2D board from a 1D CA initial state
@ -49,31 +52,6 @@ function createBoard(state, rules, max) {
return board;
// Find the neighbor of a given cell in a 2D CA board
function getCellNeighbors(board, cellCoordinates) {
const [x, y] = cellCoordinates;
const rowLength = board[0].length; // caca?
// handles board edges where the cell is missing neighbors
function getCell(xx, yy) {
const safeX = guard(xx, board.length);
const safeY = guard(yy, rowLength.length);
return board[safeX][safeY];
// the current cell is not included in the result
return [
getCell(x - 1, y - 1),
getCell(x, y - 1),
getCell(x + 1, y - 1),
getCell(x - 1, y),
getCell(x + 1, y),
getCell(x - 1, y + 1),
getCell(x, y + 1),
getCell(x + 1, y - 1),
// Sums the value of a cell's neighbors
function getNeighborsSum(cells) {
return cells.reduce((cell, acc) => cell + acc, 0);
@ -152,13 +130,31 @@ function overpopulationRules(cell, neighbors) {
// get the next evolution of a 2D CA initial state
// Rules : Moore neighborhood
function evolve2d(board, rulesFn) {
return board.map((row, x) =>
row.map((cell, y) => {
const neighbors = getCellNeighbors(board, [x, y]);
const bh = board.length - 1;
const bw = board[0].length - 1;
return board.map((row, y) => {
// handle edges
const prow = y - 1 < 0 ? board[bh] : board[y - 1];
const nrow = y + 1 > bh ? board[0] : board[y + 1];
return row.map((cell, x) => {
// handle edges too
const pcell = x - 1 < 0 ? bw : x - 1;
const ncell = x + 1 > bw ? 0 : x + 1;
// the current cell is not included in the result
const neighbors = [
const sum = getNeighborsSum(neighbors);
return rulesFn(cell, sum);
function getDrawingValues(state, acc, cell) {