
126 lines
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package main
import (
// convert RGBA pixel to grayscale. BT.709 luminosity formula
func grayscale(pixel color.Color) color.Color {
c := color.RGBAModel.Convert(pixel).(color.RGBA)
gray := uint8(0.2126*float64(c.R) + 0.7152*float64(c.G) + 0.0722*float64(c.B))
return color.RGBA{
R: gray,
G: gray,
B: gray,
A: c.A,
// sepia toning filter
func sepia(pixel color.Color) color.Color {
c := color.RGBAModel.Convert(pixel).(color.RGBA)
var npr uint8
var npg uint8
var npb uint8
tr := float64(c.R)*0.393 + float64(c.G)*0.769 + float64(c.B)*0.189
tg := float64(c.R)*0.349 + float64(c.G)*0.686 + float64(c.B)*0.168
tb := float64(c.R)*0.272 + float64(c.G)*0.534 + float64(c.B)*0.131
npr = uint8(math.Min(255, tr))
npg = uint8(math.Min(255, tg))
npb = uint8(math.Min(255, tb))
return color.RGBA{
R: npr,
G: npg,
B: npb,
A: c.A,
// if a filter is specified, apply it to the pixel, if not returns it unchanged
func filter(pixel color.Color) color.Color {
if ConfigRegister.Grayscale {
return grayscale(pixel)
if ConfigRegister.Sepia {
return sepia(pixel)
return pixel
func average(fc uint8, bc uint8, fa uint8) float64 {
return (float64(fc)/2 + float64(bc)/2)
func darken(fc uint8, bc uint8, fa uint8) float64 {
return math.Min(float64(fc), float64(bc))
func lighten(fc uint8, bc uint8, fa uint8) float64 {
return math.Max(float64(fc), float64(bc))
func multiply(fc uint8, bc uint8, fa uint8) float64 {
return float64(fc) * float64(bc) / 255
// produce absolute garbage
func fuckyfun(fc uint8, bc uint8, fa uint8) float64 {
return float64((fc * fa) + (bc * (fa * 2)))
// get the blending method from the config register
func blend(fc uint8, bc uint8, fa uint8, ba uint8) float64 {
var newValue float64
switch ConfigRegister.Method {
case "darken":
newValue = darken(fc, bc, fa)
case "average":
newValue = average(fc, bc, fa)
case "lighten":
newValue = lighten(fc, bc, fa)
case "multiply":
newValue = multiply(fc, bc, fa)
case "fuckyfun":
newValue = fuckyfun(fc, bc, fa)
newValue = darken(fc, bc, fa)
return newValue
// blend two RGBA colors/pixels and returns a new one
func blendColor(color1 color.Color, color2 color.Color) color.Color {
oc1 := color.RGBAModel.Convert(color1).(color.RGBA)
oc2 := color.RGBAModel.Convert(color2).(color.RGBA)
r := uint8(blend(oc1.R, oc2.R, oc1.A, oc2.A))
g := uint8(blend(oc1.G, oc2.G, oc1.A, oc2.A))
b := uint8(blend(oc1.B, oc2.B, oc1.A, oc2.A))
a := oc1.A + (1-oc1.A)*oc2.A
new := color.RGBA{
R: r, G: g, B: b, A: a,
return filter(new)
// encode the image
func encodeImage(imgData *image.RGBA) {
outputFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", path.Clean(ConfigRegister.OutputDir), "output.jpg")
out, _ := os.Create(outputFile)
defer out.Close()
log.Println("Encoding the new image...")
jpeg.Encode(out, imgData, nil)