grayscale option

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Ali Gator 2022-05-01 17:49:51 +02:00
parent bffd1d542b
commit bd7c32b526
3 changed files with 9 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ func encodeImage(imgData *image.RGBA) {
// convert RGBA pixel to grayscale
// convert RGBA pixel to grayscale. BT.709 luminosity formula
func grayscale(pixel color.Color) color.Color {
c := color.RGBAModel.Convert(pixel).(color.RGBA)
gray := uint8((c.R + c.G + c.B) / 3)
gray := uint8(0.2126*float64(c.R) + 0.7152*float64(c.G) + 0.0722*float64(c.B))
return color.RGBA{
R: gray,
G: gray,
@ -167,9 +167,13 @@ func blendColor(color1 color.Color, color2 color.Color) color.Color {
g := uint8(blend(oc1.G, oc2.G, oc1.A, oc2.A))
b := uint8(blend(oc1.B, oc2.B, oc1.A, oc2.A))
a := oc1.A + (1-oc1.A)*oc2.A
return color.RGBA{
new := color.RGBA{
R: r, G: g, B: b, A: a,
if ConfigRegister.Grayscale == true {
return grayscale(new)
return new
// creates a new rectangle with the min height and width from both images

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ type Config struct {
Dimensions string `json:dimensions`
OutputWidth int `json:output_width`
OutputHeight int `json:output_height`
Grayscale bool
// loads configuration values from json file

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ func main() {
flag.StringVar(&ConfigRegister.InputDir, "input", "/home/gator/Photos", "Input directory. Where to look the images from")
flag.StringVar(&ConfigRegister.BaseImage, "base-img", "", "Path to the base image to work with. Random image if not set")
flag.StringVar(&ConfigRegister.Dimensions, "dimensions", "800x600", "Out image dimensions. <width>x<height>")
flag.BoolVar(&ConfigRegister.Grayscale, "grayscale", false, "Output image in shade of gray (around 50)")
// set output's width and height